Sunday, October 23, 2005

In shops tomorrow: 24/10/05


  • As if to recover from the excitement of last week it's all gone a bit quiet this Monday, what with Robbie albums and Westlife singles. But... as if to say "that's a rabid fanbase, is it, Arctic Monkeys? No, no. This is a rabid fanbase!", Kate Bush releases her first single in nearly eleven years, King Of The Mountain

  • Even if it has left us with the rather good new video, there really is no reason for Warp, of all labels, to re-release Maximo Park's Apply Some Pressure. It got to number 20 with next to no promotion eight months ago!

  • One of the best moments of Summer Sundae this year was Tom Vek getting the amassed umbrellas watching his set moving up and down in time to his signals. It might be a bit difficult to recreate it in your bedroom as he brings out the song that caused such brolly choreography, Nothing But Green Lights

  • Do singles to promote tours long after the album release actually work? To test the theory, The Wedding Present's Ringway To Seatac. Their support The Organ apparently bring out Memorize The City this week too.


  • A paucity here too, being down to curious experiments such as the Fiery Furnaces' Rehearsing My Choir, a series of duets between Eleanor Friedberger and her 83 year old grandmother. According to Matthew Friedberger's notes, "Tracks 3 and 4 take place in the 40's; tracks 5 and 6 in the 20's and 30's; track 7 in the later 50's; track 8 starts in the very early 40's; track 9 goes back and forth; track 10 takes place in the early 60's; the final track takes place in the early 90's." It's that kind of album.

  • Also out is the OST to Thumbsucker, the forthcoming film starring Tilda Swinton, Vince Vaughn, Vincent D'Onofrio, Keanu Reeves and Benjamin Bratt and soundtracked by the Polyphonic Spree plus three new Elliott Smith songs.
  • 1 comment:

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