Sunday, June 12, 2005

Single File: w/c 12/06/05

The MD of Gusto Records raised the possibility of a Cr*zy Fr*g album in Music Week this week. I sense someone's missed the point of the differences between the singles and albums market.

So the week before last it was Coldplay, now U2 line up for ritual pisstaking at the idea they couldn't outsell a novelty record that's still shifting 70,000 a week. It's easy to miss that How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb is the first U2 album to produce two number ones, so church mice need not fear paucity. To be honest I'm not sure I know what this sounds like, but it's in the radio airplay top five so there you go. Akon, Gorillaz (whose album is in the next position to Black Eyed Peas' Monkey Business in that chart this week), Amerie and then James Blunt. Kids, you'll have to believe me when I say records always used to increase sales in their second week, but now Blunt may well be lauded from rooftops when someone works out what he looks like as You're Beautiful climbs six to 6. Audio Bullys are up three to seven, oddly, unless it's because the original of Bang Bang is on the BBC Wimbledon trailer that's bound to be banned soon.

Jamiroquai enters at 8 with a single everyone admires the flashy effects in the video before but nobody appears hugely bothered about otherwise. You know, like most of his career. (Oh fuck it, I quite liked his Space Cowboy period.) The other Frog chorus, which this site got a couple of hits for in the week so best not mention that again, is at 11, which for an already proven ultra-popular sample base must prove that everyone really does hate Wes Butters. Bodyrockers are up a couple at 14 on the way to 16, where we meet Summer Of Ska, Yes, Again members The Ordinary Boys. As I recall a Q review of No Doubt mentioning, they don't realise the Specials did Ghost Town as well as Gangstas, despite having Ranking Roger from the Beat's son, um, Ranking Junior on guest toasting. Birmingham cottage industry to the Prince's Trust gentry UB40 enter at 19. It's probably a cover.

John Legend, the soul boy who plays a white piano - you've seen it - is in at 27, Good Charlotte's mystifying specific popularity with the punk-pop kids sees them in at 30, The Departure's All Mapped out charts three places lower than it did last August and they haven't even had a bigger single since to justify this release, Saint Etienne make an always pleasing return at 36 and yes, I would like to see one of Bob and Pete's NFT pop film evenings but I'm not in the area, Ashanti apparently had a new single out which charts at 38 and Audioslave's mess of rock is at 40.

The final score, by the way - X&Y 464,471. The biggest selling first week for an album since Be Here Now, also a third album by a UK stadium band making minor if significant US inroads although with more ecstatic music press reviews and markedly less likely to have been recorded in a blizzard of coke with hundreds of overdubs.


Matt said...

I haven't seen many reviews of X&Y, but weren't the reviews of Be Here Now universally positive on the grounds that everyone was too scared to give it a bad review? Not that I'm suggesting that this is what's happened here, of course.

(My first attempt at this comment got eaten by Blogger, not that that's in any way suspicious either.)

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