Monday, April 02, 2007

Weekender : a cauldron of disgruntlement

FREE MUSIC: We were lined up to post a Thermals mp3 here, but then realised we've already done so. Such is the world of free downloads. So to drag something random out of the SXSW downloads again, and while this was a well received single last year it's plausible some readers may never have heard the Spinto Band's Oh Mandy, so here it is. Even better, download now and save for when it properly gets warm.

HEY YOU GET OFFA MYSPACE: Glasgow's The Hussy's insist the apostrophe is deliberate, however Truss-upsetting it looks. There's a lineage evident from guitarist James McColl's former employment in the Supernaturals, being three minute chirpy/dark heart pop gems radar set for summer listening and fronted by the dynamic female vocals of one Fili, who sounds like Cerys Matthews Stars In Their Eyes-ing Lily Allen (this cross-reference seems to be in all their reviews, but there's no way around it) Infectious isn't the half of it.

VISUAL REPRESENTATION: New Rave is upon us, as we've said before, but it's not the first attempt to categorise some sort of loosely affiliated scene as a revitalised version of a much maligned genre of fifteen years in the past. My lords, the Sunday Show in 1996 present a feature on New Romo. Jamie Reynolds, look upon Dickon Edwards and despair.

VIRAL MARKETING: The unimpeachable Jetplane Landing's third album Backlash Cop is out on June 5th and they've been detailing pretty much everything in studio video diaries. We've found twelve parts to it but we want you to do some work so here's a mere representative sample - Jamie dons a fetching beret amid soup discussion and a special dedication to Gary Lightbody, everyone finally works out which way round the camera should be held as we visit the Burchills Snr, recording goes almost as well as can be expected in the circumstances, the folk covers side project debuts while Cahir decries the government, Andrew finishes and buggers off to Brooklyn.

FALLING OFF A BLOG: More new UK mp3 work comes in the shape of Musique Novelle. They've got the obligatory Los Campesinos! out of the way early, which is good. His Name Is Alive embeds and Seafood rarities promise much.

EVERYBODY GET RANDOM: We're not sure we entirely understand this, but we're sure it's very fascinating and spooky if you can get it to work. We received it in an email yesterday morning from someone declaring themselves "music fan just like you, with a bit of OCD I think, also just like you". Takes one to know one, many a true word etc.

IN OTHER NEWS: La Blogotheque's The Take Away Shows have been a fascinating, fantastic idea across their first forty instalments - we've linked to their work with Guillemots and Grizzly Bear performing in public and unlikely places before and they've also worked with Okkervil River, Tapes N Tapes, The National, I'm From Barcelona, the Hidden Cameras, the Spinto Band, Cold War Kids, the Divine Comedy, Herman Dune, Au Revoir Simone, Jens Lekman, Jeffrey Lewis, Islands and plenty else. For #41 they've surpassed themselves - the Arcade Fire do Neon Bible in the Paris Olympia Hall's freight lift (note magazine tearing for percussion), followed by Wake Up in the evening's crowd. (If, as it was for part of Sunday, their server's down it's also here, and while we're about it here's their interview and acoustic Guns Of Brixton for the Culture Show and the latter in the crowd at Brixton Academy)


Mr Rossy said...

Love jpl, looking forward to their new record, gonna be ace.

Also La Blogotheque is great, the one of Hurman dune walking around paris is great and that lady from My Brightest Diamond is super good !!

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Anonymous said...

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