Saturday, April 21, 2007

How to ruin a viral hit

So everyone is now aware of the Zimmers, the forty-strong OAP outfit brought together for a BBC2 documentary to record - do you see? - My Generation (and it's rumoured the backing band are some of Fields, presumably this not being what they had in mind when they signed that major label contract). What can stop this heartwarming tale of fighting back against ideas of ageing in its tracks?

Well, you could put the press release on the Myspace.

Ever thought that Take That were too old to still be called a Boyband? Do you think the Rolling Stones should retire? Well if you answered Yes to both of these questions then you are gonna LOVE this...welcome to the wonderful world of THE ZIMMERS!

Formed in early 2007, The Zimmers are not only the oldest gigging band in the world (with an average age of 78), they are also the most celebrated, having recorded their debut album at the famous Abbey Road Studios, under the watchful eye of Acclaimed Producer Mike Hedges.

Oh and by the way, don't tell them you think this is funny, with more aggression than Nirvana and more talent than The Beatles, these OAP's are here to stay. Their first single 'My Generation' is released on May 14th. Expect it to climb faster than a Stenna Stair Lift!

Other songs in THE ZIMMERS repertoire include 'Firestarter' by The Prodigy, 'When I'm (one hundred and)64' by The Beatles and the live favorite (Jermain Stewarts worldwide hit) 'We Don't have to take our clothes off (to have a good time)'.

Our skin physically crawled on nine seperate occasions during those four sentences. Still, surely singer Alf Carretta and his recruited friends have the best intentions at heart.

This group of people met at the Mecca bingo hall on Essex Road and have been friends ever since. Some of them were there the day it opened, but sadly, after 30 odd years they’ve played their final game – according to Rank, who own Mecca, the double taxation on bingo gives them no choice but to shut it down. Alf says these are the only friends he has and he’s worried he’ll lose touch. Their efforts to keep the hall open have fallen on deaf ears and they’re hoping a bit of music might be what’s needed to grab people’s attention.

Ah, who says they don't make protest songs any more.

Also, maybe we've missed the reference, but is this record actually not for charity at all?


Chris Brown said...

Sorry to dive into this ancient post, but I've just noticed "Expect it to climb faster than a Stenna Stair Lift!"

Wrong on a great many levels of course, not least the fact that Stannah is the well-known brand of stair lifts. And the fact that they're not actually supposed to move very fast.

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