Elton John and 2Pac remain number one, actually the most lively duettist Elton has been involved with this week. What this means is they've edged Charlotte Church into second, which is a decent start if hardly unexpected. What's interesting now is how Polydor push her, whether as the post-ladette girl about town possibly after dark or as the sophisticated pop iconette as recently ploughed by Rachel Stevens. There seems little doubt that you'll be hearing this for a while on various radio stations, which means you'll be marvelling at those lyrics for some time yet. Seriously, Tissues And Issues?
With James Blunt sticking at 3 and Audio Bullys back up a place there's only one other top 10 entry, the Backstreet Boys back at 8. It's difficult in a way to know how much of the pop market they were expected to make back up here - balladeering boy bands are at their lowest stock for a while and three and a half years is a long time in a market where people seem to be forgetting about McFly already. Mario misses out on top ten status by a place, with Bodyrockers, Black Eyed Peas and Gwen Stefani all taking advantage of a low sales week to climb within the top 20.
Which is not an area we've seen the Faders. You remember, much hyped at the start of the year as the female Busted at a time when their target audience barely wanted Busted. Jump enters at 21, so another disappointment in the Ure family this weekend. Just to emphasise how confused the way they've been sold to us is, the Also Bought Music By This Artist list on Amazon is Charlotte Hatherley, Girls Aloud, Pop!, Subways and Angel City. Not the Tears, though, they entering at 24. Feeder's diminishing returns put them at 30, Alkaline Trio make their top 40 debut at 32 - a US nu-punk band who have built up an actual international fanbase! Listening, Simple Plan? - Royksopp disappoint at 33 and Soulwax continue their run of minor top 40 entries at 35. Just below the radar Matador's folly is shown up as Interpol's reissued Slow Hands charts at 44, eight behind its original position, and Towers Of London's quest to scandalise polite chart society fails miserably at 46. You won't see me upset.
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