If anyone can explain how James Blunt keeps putting on sales week after week - surely it's not just the bus advertising that makes him look a bit like Gruff Rhys - do feel free to elucidate. You're Beautiful completes the double after seven weeks, the first number one to spend so long climbing there since Steps' Heartbeat/Tragedy at the end of 1999. Elton John was, as previously mentioned, cheating his way there in midweek but the offer take-ups died away as the week wore on and he ends up under 2Pac and Mariah at 4. Just the one other top ten entry, dance wailer Inaya Day at 9.
Deep Dish, who appear to want to become a proper chart act, enter at 14, Editors' climb before everyone realises how inconsistent the album is continues as Blood enters at 18, but the real shock in what we used to call indie is the Raveonettes at 26. The Raveonettes! Sune and Sharon's biggest hit enters at 26, buoyed by unlikely Radio 2 support, and outdoes REM, whose music hall-esque Wanderlust enters one place below their last single at 27. Rooster did make it back after my scathingness but only to 29, which fails to prove anything conclusively. The Paddingtons go backwards, so there's some relief, at 32, Lemon Jelly meh their way in at 33, The Kooks enter at 35 with a song about erectile dysfunction written by Katie Melua's ex - rock and roll! - and Idlewild continue to fade at 39, which does at least put them ahead of the Chemical Brothers, whose The Boxer is their first single out of 16 to miss the top 40.
Charlotte Church's album entered at number 5, should you be interested. That doesn't even make it her biggest hit, Voice Of An Angel having gone to 4 in 1998, but I do notice it's enough to make her the latest entrant in the grand Singer Who The Tabloids Affect To Hate When They're Not Interviewing Her, Which Is Twice A Week sweep. At least it takes the pressure off Geri Halliwell and Cheryl Tweedy.
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