Sunday, December 25, 2011

STN Albums Of The Year no.6: Emmy The Great - Virtue

Interesting how many of the albums up this end of the list deal with growing up quickly and discovering the dark of the wider world. Emma-Lee Moss has always been a good first person storyteller and user of small detail, but Virtue has her bring a new set of imagery to the table, one of fantastical allusion and classical character reference bringing out the central concept of what the meaning of love and the concept of femininity actually are. The music has blossomed with her, downplaying the pretty, folky subset in favour of a grander while still pastoral sound that never gets crowded no matter what strings or choirs are involved, songs allowed to unfold in their own time rather than arrange themselves around Moss. Cathartic in the moment as trying to think things over may be (closer Trellick Tower directly reflects Moss being left by her fiance in favour of God), it's something that very much suits her.


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