Monday, February 19, 2007

Weekender : in the public domain

FREE MUSIC: South By South West is coming up soon - March 14th-18th, for the record - and that means a new set of mp3s of showcasing bands went up this week. In among the chancers, the deadbeats, the emos and the plain dull The Kissaway Trail stood out. They're already signed to Bella Union in the UK, which makes sense as the Danish outfit deal in a Scandinavian version of the grandiose, multi-layered, slow-burning indie that we heard last year with the same label's My Latest Novel. Smother + Evil = Hurt sounds like countrymen Mew attempting to recreate Mercury Rev's Deserter's Songs to the accompaniment of Wolf Parade.

HEY YOU GET OFFA MYSPACE: Anyone for indie singer-songwriterly electronica? A Million Billion is the project of Brooklyn's Ryan Smith, who's collaborated with Joan As Police Woman and the Fiery Furnaces and remixed Public Enemy and Bloc Party in the past. The first track on the Myspace is layered glitch-driven laptop melody; the second, apart from the aforementioned Like Eating Glass reworking, is driven by textured electronics something akin to Her Space Holiday meets Mercury Rev; the third intimate, fragile and piano-driven like a more wracked version of that Damon Albarn demos collection. Their EP came out last February on Exercise1, the label that debuted Jeremy Warmsley and released the 50 Minutes compilation, so keep an eye out for this one.

VISUAL REPRESENTATION: Alright, let's go heavy on the Arcade Fire now that people less willing to wait and learn than ourselves have downloaded Neon Bible and made their minds up. So: hipness avatar David Bowie enlisting their help on Five Years and Wake Up at last year's Fashion Rocks; the latter in a foyer in London; joining U2 on stage to do Love Will Tear Us Apart; David Byrne wandering by to add to a cover of This Must Be The Place (Naive Melody) and a live version with nobody else famous of My Heart Is An Apple from their EP.

VIRAL MARKETING: There's a definite buzz, if not yet in the pop market he seems to be being aimed at, about Patrick Wolf's The Magic Position, although it might well be his inert performance on Newsnight Review has dampened it down. In any case he popped by the BBC Collective webmonkeys recently to chat about stuff and perform Bluebells and Secret Garden on ukelele and harp respectively.
Meanwhile, Indie mp3 has the title track from Lucky Soul's soon come album The Great Unwanted.

FALLING OFF A BLOG: Telly satirist of some repute Mark X of Broken TV has branched out into Broken FM, which has been slow of late but promises much entertainment. The amateur Mii versions of pop duos is particularly fine, even if he does bail out at three.

EVERYBODY GET RANDOM: How does Pandora Radio work?

IN OTHER NEWS: While we're on the subject of music feeds to your specifications, you may notice that over on the sidebar, along with the email (do get in touch), Myspace (do befriend us) and atom feed (do feed off us) links, we've linked to our scrobbladelica. Don't concentrate on ours, it's not hugely accurate what with CD players, Myspace, YouTube, unreadable promos (definitely get in touch if you have those to pass on), the sounds in our head... the reason we bring such self-flagellation up is we also want to keep track of just who reads this rot so we can remap our demographic accordingly and so forth. As such we've set up a Sweeping The Nation group. Do join, in your droves, and convince us that this isn't really a bad idea after all.


if said...

I am listening to a Bella Union sampler and The Kissaway Trail (who I'd never heard of) came up just as I read this post. Odd. Sound very good though!
Naive Melody link is broken by the way

Simon said...

Cheers - fixed now.

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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