Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Things you may have missed

Actually these aren't all repeats, there's a couple of new tracks at the end so this isn't a complete waste of time, but with Tumblr now not putting post text in the Twitter feed and hardly anybody reading this any more, largely I'd assume due to Tumblr's lack of Hype Machine sync, it seems all the new tracks posts will have to migrate back to Blogger along with everything else, and Tumblr will have to learn to fend for itself.

I've tried to change the split between the two services twice now and reneged within a month on both occasions. You'd think I'd learn my lesson.

Splashh - All I Wanna Do

Newly released on celebrated tape label Kissability, enveloping jangle-noise meets slacker lo-fi garage and crystallised a molten core of hook-lined summer fuzz. Apparently the duo only formed in February.

Rick Redbeard - Now We're Dancing

Phantom Band frontman Rick Anthony’s first proper solo release strips away the questing instrument gathering and becomes a plangent Will Oldham-esque eccentric lament, half of a split 7” with Adam Stafford on Gerry Loves Records.

Piano Magic - The Slightest Of Threads

Glen Johnson and co's eleventh album Life Has Not Finished With Me Yet, out this week, would seem to turn back from the overarcing synths and shoegaze effects of the last couple of albums back towards the prime 4AD-esque spectral minimalism of their late 90s work. Then, about three minutes in, the track falls into an industrial vat and struggles to completely extricate itself.

Rumour Cubes - 1871

Intriguing new single from the usually slow-burning post-rock artistic collective, inspired by the 140th anniversary of the Paris Commune uprising and taking the form of a rolling, seemingly barely controllable guitars/electronics spree plus politicised shouting from poet Steve Willey.

An Blonds - El Mudo

A duo that could only exist in the post-80s pop revival here and now, languid vocals, woozy synth and pop melodies. Think Beach House via Niki & The Dove plus a little of Summer Camp’s faerie dust. They're 'anonymous' and 'enigmatic', because every fucker is these days.

Let's Buy Happiness - Works Better On Paper

Slower and even more shimmering, this new version out on 7" this week of one of the first things anyone else heard from them swoons in all the desired places, languid and chilling in the right way. Shouldn't they be huge by now?

Standard Fare - At The Lake

The latest in WIAIWYA’s 7777777 series came out yesterday, three new songs from Standard Fare. Posted Girlfriend back in March; lead track At The Lake launches in with some Motown bass and tambourine before Emma and Dan trade verbal reasoning over the sort of thing that should fill indie dancefloors if indie DJs were interested in music like this, progressing appeallingly from jangly to ragged. Some jaunty handclaps too.

Shiny Darkly - He's Suicidal

More than a hint of J&MC about the Copenhagen trio who here hit upon a menacing, circling riff, clamp down on the reverb pedal and let what results corrode all around it. FLASHING IMAGES WARNING.

Fear of Men - Green Sea

Hints of indiepop, dreampop and, oh, all sorts of pop, but really it's built on the awareness there's something not quite right with everybody here however warm and melodically inviting it seems, the wistfulness and melancholia coasting on the back of guitars that can't decide whether to Slowdivebomb or build cathedrals to Cocteaus. Out next week on Sexbeat 7", they're about to tour support Best Coast.

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