Thursday, July 16, 2009


So we're off imminently to Latitude Festival for the weekend, which due to the magic of scheduled posting you won't really notice until early next week when Latitude Festival reviews start being posted. You've got the rest of today to tell us anything we should be aware of or any little things that could make our experience the more amenable. (Not who to see, we think we can cover that bit for ourselves)

What this does leave us time to do is plug our gig directly for the first time in a couple of days. If you're within range on 6th August it's a three line whip of attendance. In fact, even if you're not in direct range we'll be expecting you. Even those readers in Australia. Especially those readers in Australia. (And, to extend the hand of plugging friendship, if you can't make it that Thursday to Leicester, try the following Thursday, 13th August, for the Summer Sundae Fringe8 Thursday warm-up parties for the festival, nine simultaneous gigs across the city centre for £4. In fact our gig is part of two weeks' worth of special events, as outlined via that last link)

And next weekend, Indietracks. Summer here, kids!

1 comment:

  1. Any recommendations for indietracks?

    Other than Butcher Boy and Little My, 'cause I'm so already converted.
