Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Music That Made... Slow Club

You know Slow Club, right? Bloke and girl from Sheffield, not quite folk, not quite twee, all really rather engaging and joyous in a vaguely piecemeal way. Yes? Well, Yeah, So?, out now on Moshi Moshi, is even better than that, as this fine chap reinforces. Masculine half Charles Taylor gives us a few minutes:

First single bought: Cher - Believe - it was a present for my sister
First album bought: I think it might have been Rated R by Queens Of The Stone Age.
First gig voluntarily attended: Bowling For Soup at the Leadmill, Sheffield
The record that most made you want to get into music: I don't know about getting into music. I can't really put that down to one album. The Shins' first two records played a large part in getting Slow Club off the ground.
The three headliners at a festival you were curating: Phillip Glass conducting Koyaanisqatsi score/Yann Tiersen/Grinderman
A song not enough people know about but everyone should hear: Clank Clank by Saffron Set
A song you'd play to get people dancing: A Postcard To Nina by Jens Lekman
The last great thing you heard: Neil Young at Glastonbury
Your key non-musical influences: Rob Ryan, Guy J Jackson
Your favourite new artist: Viking Moses

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