Monday, January 12, 2009

Thirty original chart hits on one posh double album

As part of the series' 25th anniversary the original Now That's What I Call Music is issued for the first time on CD today, and nobody mention that it actually came out in December 1983. Hope they've acknowledged the pig somewhere in the artwork (legend has it that the title came from the slogan on an advert for Danish Bacon Factories which was in Richard Branson's office, hence the porcine mascot, voiced by Brian Glover in the adverts, for the first five volumes). Sadly they've updated the advert, which is a shame as nothing says 1983 more than Tracy Ullman over floaty screens:

Anyway, while the grown up kids of the mid-80s once again enjoy Will Powers' Kissing With Confidence and a Limahl solo single, we'll be marking the anniversary properly in a couple of days. In the meantime:

Now That's What I Call A Challenge, an attempt to review the whole record

Breaking More Waves also covered the inaugral set recently

TV Cream's rundown of the first twenty


  1. I may stand alone but I believe that Now That's What I Call Music is one of the most important albums ever. Not because of the songs on it, but because it was one of the first times that major labels formed a partnership to release compilations that gave real value for money.

    I also hold a certain hazy love for Now 1, 2 and 3, rather like one may always have a special place for your first 'proper' boyfriend or girlfriend.

    I look forward to reading any further coverage you do...

  2. Thanks for the link.
    As anyone who follows it will probably notice, I don't like many of the songs on it but then I don't like that many other big hits from those days either. But it's still almost the Sergeant Pepper of compilation albums, just because of the effort they put into it.

    Oh, and I can reassure you that the pig advert is indeed present and correct on the back cover.

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