Sunday, July 24, 2005

Single File w/c 24/7

Looks like James Blunt outsold the pack by miles this week and hangs onto the double too, taking advantage of the extra publicity from just being number one to add to his burgeoning reputation. There were profiles in most of the broadsheets today, each one making you cry with the class-assumption insidiousness of it all. Mariah Carey climbs back up to 2 for no good reason.

It's lucky Lee Ryan approved the 'hello, girls!' treatment suggested for his debut solo single's video as the song's completely unmemorable, Blue fans taking it to 3. Simon's got a single on the way, Anthony is probably working in the brickies his face suggested, and Duncan sadly died. Daddy Yankee's reggaeton, essentially a mix of reggae, Sean Paul R&B and crossed fingers, perhaps even now is bemoaning the change in the weather that means Gasolina enters at 5, while Paul Weller's reliable fanbase take him to 6, his biggest hit since Peacock Suit in 1996, with the first single he's made in years where it sounds like he was conscious during recording.

Roll Deep enter at 11 with The Avenue, the single that once and for all proves grime was never going to sell anything beyond Dizzee but just picking out an 80s sample wholesale like everyone else, delving even deeper into the collective psyche and dredging out the Maisonettes. What do U call it? PRS. A tip for any producers reading this who fancy a sample-heavy hit - Wax. Or Karel Fialka. Bloc Party pull the old deleted after a day trick to send Pioneers to 18, their third straight top 20 single from six full scale releases. Impressively, Maximo Park's appearance at 20 makes it three out of three for them, benefitting from people actually noticing them this time around. Paul Smith cites a Wyndham Lewis quote as inspiration for his hairdo in this week's NME, which is stretching a point. Heather cunting Small enters at 33 with the rush re-release of Proud - remember, seven years of this - while Inme, who were going to be UK nu-metal's breakthrough act in 2003, enter at 36. Did you know they were still going? Remarkably the Kaiser Chiefs' Everyday I Love You Less And Less climbs two to 38 to make it 10 weeks in the chart as they set sail for I Predict A Riot hit status while Razorlight's Somewhere Else re-enters, again for no good reason, 15 weeks on from release. Will Smith (18) and Tony Christe (19) are also still in the top 40, meaning that downloading's actual effect is to create a massive logjam. Jem almost makes it back in too, back up to 41 and edging out the much fancied Stephen Fretwell at 42. What's Faithless' Insomnia, first released nearly ten years ago, doing at 57?

POINTLESS UPDATE: Just as an example of the scale of download additions, year on year physical single sales were down 28.2% but the combined figure is up 62.9%. Problem is, of course, a lot of those sales are for older or ineligible tracks, and let's not get into that argument now.


  1. If anyone comes up with a Karel Fialka-sampling hit, you're in big, big trouble.

  2. I know, I know. The reason for that is it was on an mp3 blog recently and I couldn't think of any better examples of so-bad-they're-cultish 80s records that nobody goes on and on about.

  3. on that basis, surely you missed a chance to comment on Army of Lovers making the top 5?

  4. I knew there was a joke about the Lee Ryan record I wanted to make! Something weak about how, if their word is bond, Lee Ryan should be officially classed as our saviour (and crucified, see?), but still.

    Of course Lean On Me! From the very very young to the very very old, everybody now say aye? I should say! Actually, there's a post idea in this, give me a few hours...

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