Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Weekly Sweep

  • Arcade Fire - Black Mirror [live YouTube]
  • Ballboy - I Hate Scotland [mp3 from Skatterbrain]
  • Bill Callahan - Sycamore [mp3 from Song By Toad]
  • Dinosaur Jr - Been There All The Time [YouTube]
  • Feist - I Feel It All [mp3 from Boule A Facettes]
  • Frank Turner - The Real Damage [YouTube]
  • Goodbooks - The Illness [YouTube]
  • Jamie T - Sheila [YouTube]
  • Jetplane Landing - Why Do They Never Play Les Savy Fav On The Radio? [Myspace]
  • Los Campesinos! - You! Me! Dancing! [Myspace, which has the non-YouTubed as yet video up now]
  • The Maccabees - Precious Time [YouTube]
  • Mark B & Blade - The Unknown
  • Modest Mouse - Dashboard [YouTube]
  • Ola Podrida - Jordanna [mp3 from Sound Gymnastics] (This turned up high in the Hype Machine's Most Blogged list last week and is well worth your time, a storytelling take on Iron & Wine-esque indie-folk)
  • Robert Forster - Is This What You Call Change? (Not on the forthcoming Forster solo compilation, for some reason. An appeal: does anyone reading this have an mp3able version of Harvey's Rabbit's cover which made the 1995 Festive 50? Let us know if you do)
  • The Rumble Strips - Motorcycle [mp3 from Nasty Panda]
  • Strange Idols - She's Gonna Let You Down Again [mp3 from Green Pea-ness] (Yes, we're late to this one, but it was always going to be our kind of thing, frankly - twee-influenced girl-fronted purest sunpop, produced by imagined Friend Of STN Gareth Parton)
  • Suburban Kids With Biblical Names - Loop Duplicate My Heart [YouTube]
  • The White Stripes - Icky Thump [mp3 from Bedford Rockers until the lawyers get it taken down] (Expect the Guardian to get Bill Oddie to review the album)
  • XX Teens - B54 [Myspace] (Used to be Xerox Teens until commercial lawyers got in the way; their first single was godawful but since then they've grown into something far ahead of their self-consciously hip Londonite siblings-in-post-Libertines-artrock. Not buying the Fall comparisons, though)
  • 1 comment:

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