Thursday, May 11, 2006

We're still here

Just working on some other stuff for other people. We'll try and get something up tomorrow.

What we can say is that almost despite our best qualitative efforts we must report that We Are The Pipettes (out July 19th, yes, Memphis Industries, we will properly buy it at the time) is superb, a totally summery, fun record that defies most attempts to be cynical about it through sheer force of nature. However, this new photo that seems to have appeared on their Myspace today...

What is going on here? Isn't it a bit early in the career to be playing with the dress colour scheme? Why does Gwenno look like she's auditioning for Blake's 7? Were this a cartoon, would Rose's eyes be spinning in concentric circles as if she'd been hypnotised? Is that Becki or a heavily made up Edith Bowman? Are these actual people or shop dummies given wigs and realistic make-up?

1 comment:

  1. And there's something wrong about a meant-to-be-opaque shirt that you can see a WHITE bra through.
